Through the Woods aims to be a resource for both novice as well as experienced outdoors people, creating awareness of the great natural resources around Ohio and focusing on identifying and learning about that which you'll see.
Emily Speelman has been writing this blog since mid 2015, originally as a personal journey to re-connect with and to learn more about the nature around her; this has since evolved into so much more. As of 2017 Emily has become a certified volunteer naturalist through the statewide OCVN program. When she is not writing, she volunteers with area park groups, is out photographing the beauty of nature, practicing yoga, helping around the family farm, or curled up with her husband and cat reading a good book. |
Know of a great place I haven't yet explored?
Want to read more about a subject? Want to team up and collaborate? Just want to drop a line and say hi? I want to hear from you! |