September |
October |
November |
December |
January |
February |
March |
April |
Observations: We've reached that time of year when the sun has moved back to the same position it was in in October!
False mermaid leaves have emerged, as have the spring beauties. The opossum is totally gone now. Barred owl calls from the distance. A cold wind blows but the sunshines bright. One of the many vernal pools is alive with the songs of the chorus frogs and spring peepers. |
Observations: Trees are bare but growth is happening.
Blooming coltsfoot, green starts of jewelweed, bedstraw getting big, false mermaid, violet leaves. Trout lily leafs, buds, and blooms! Mayapple stumps are up. Partridge berries. Golden ragwort in purple buds. Wood anemone in bud. Toothwort blooming. Trillium so close to blooming. Spicebush in flower. Spring beauty in bloom. Barred owls are calling - so are the frogs. |
May |
June |
Observations: first firefly of the season! Garter snake enjoying a sunbeam. Maple/ beech section full of fresh green leaf coverage. Dappled sunlight. Trout lily leaves are fading, most other ephemerals are gone. Mayapples are wide and blooming. Poison ivy emerging from the leaf litter. Purple violet, yellow violet. Spring beauties stretching high. Raccoon watching me from afar.
Really wonderful trillium year - blanketed the forest further than I've ever seen here! Jack in the pulpit blooming. Wild geranium blooming. Wood anemone blooming. Indian Cucumber in bud. White baneberry in bloom. Solomon seal blooming - Solomon plume almost. Chipmunk eating large ants/termites? from a log. ell flower blooming |
Observations: Sunny, very warm, nice breeze. Pewee singing. Walnuts forming on trees. Ephemerals are done. Lots of Virginia creeper. Green leaves have been falling from the maples - still green but crunch - from the heat? MUD BUG (crawdad) Chimney! Wetlands are all dry, jewelweed drooping in the sun - in the understory they're okay. Mosquitoes buzzing but not biting.
Indian Cucumber in bloom!!! One of the coolest plants. |
July |
August |
Observations: dry but the mosquitoes don't mind much. Beech blight is taking over the trees. Rogue cat, this isn't where you belong.
Observations: A heavy rain flooded parts of the boardwalk, but let up just long enough for me to take this photo. The fungi and slugs were having a great time soaking up all the much needed rain. I made it to the bend at the end of this image before the rain started in a heavy downpour that didn't let up for about 30 minutes. By that time I turned around and made it back to the car, wading in murky brown rushing water all the way.
Although damp and rather uncomfortable, there's just something beautiful about being in the woods in the rain. |