There are so many amazing plants out there, some you'll find just outside your door, others you find while exploring new and interesting places and ecosystems. Below you'll find a variety of common (and a few unique) plants with their common & Latin names. I hope this easy to use guide will help you with identifying and learning more about the plants around you!
Spring wildflower season begins in March with the first hepatica and spring beauties begin blooming, the season continues on through April or May until the Bloodroot & Wild Ginger get crowded out by the Cleavers.
In summer, the wildflowers are less common in the forest (as the canopy fills out there's not enough light for the plants), and are more common in the open fields, prairies, and meadows. Summer wildflowers, for the purpose of putting a time frame on things, end when the goldenrod begins to burst into bloom (September/October).
Fall is not necessarily the time period we think about flowers, I mean the trees are doing a great job of catching our attention, but everywhere from the forest to the meadow there are unique flowers and blooms that can be found only in the fall.