Where to go to enjoy the great outdoors in Wayne County, Ohio.
Included are maps, what to expect, best uses, and beautiful images of each park.
Peel and stick your favorite spring wildflowers on water bottles, phone cases, or wherever!
Early Spring Collection includes: Wild Ginger, Cutleaf Toothwort, Bloodroot, Dutchman's Breeches, Round Lobed Hepatica
Mid Spring Collection includes: Blue Eyed Mary, Wild Geranium, Large White Trillium, Wild phlox, Squirrel Corn
Late Spring Collection includes: Canada Anemone, Trout Lily, Purple Pitcher Plant, Mayapple, Virginia Bluebells
Highlighting women in Natural History, illustrations are by Mary Vaux Walcott (1860-1940) from Wildflowers of North America.
Compiled & arranged by Curio Galleria - Treasures for the curious adventurer