The Park Calendar Fundraiser is back this year and we're doing things a little different. Here's how it works...
Choose a calendar (colorful or black and white), all photos have been taken by me in or near Wayne County Ohio and its wonderful parks.
Choose the park/ organization you'd like to support.
Pre-order is over but there are still limited quantities available.
Orders will be mailed out and/or local pick up options will be available in early December.
The presale is now closed. Limited quantities are still available to order. Thank you everyone who has helped support this wonderful cause.
If you missed the presale, Local Roots Market and Cafe in Wooster, OH has generously allowed me so sell additional calendars there with all profits still going to the park of your choice! Just pick up a card (sitting next to the calendars) pick a calendar and check the box next to the park you'd like to support. Leave the card with the cashier. Another big heartfelt thank you. It's amazing seeing how many people care about our parks! Happy Hiking!
2023 Black and White Calendar Images
2023 Colorful Calendar Images
Organizations you can support with your calendar purchase:
Friends of Secrest Arboretum
Friends of the Wayne County Park District - Barnes Preserve
Friends of Wooster Memorial Park
Killbuck Watershed Land Trust - Killbuck Swamp
The Nature Conservancy - Brown’s Lake Bog
Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area, Johnsons Woods, Funk Bottoms
Rails to Trails of Wayne County
The Wilderness Center
Write in a 501(c)3 organization focused on nature and parks in our area that I may have forgot. ___________